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iOS foundations for iPhone and iPad - KeepCoding
Advanced iOS programming - KeepCoding
Swift 3.0 foundations - KeepCoding
Artificial Intelligence Foundations. Machine learning and neural networks - University of Salamanca
Naming strategies: Naming your brand - Crehana
A technological vision for business people - Udemy
Android programming from scratch - KeepCoding
The Complete 2020 Web Development Bootcamp - Dr. Angela Yu, London App Brewery - Udemy
Complete 2020 Data Science & Machine Learning Bootcamp - Philipp Muellauer, Dr. Angela Yu, London App Brewery - Udemy
iOS & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp - Dr. Angela Yu, London App Brewery - Udemy
IV Cybersecurity Conference - Pontifical University of Salamanca
Python with Django - Telefónica ProFuturo Foundation
ISO 27001 Internal Auditor - TÜV NORD SPAIN (Cualicontrol)
ISO 22301 Internal Auditor - TÜV NORD SPAIN (Cualicontrol)
SwiftUI - Declarative Interfaces for any Apple Device - Mohammad Azam - Udemy